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online retailers included in the Official Janus Films Shirt and by the same token and report as “High Risk” are Alibaba, Amazon, Chewy, eBay, Etsy, Shopify and Warby Parker. The reasons behind the decision to identify these companies as “High Risk” varied, but in every case, the 1792 Exchange provided significant evidence showing that these businesses have actively promoted left-wing ideological views. Video For example, 1792 Exchange notes Home Depot “advertised flyers to its employees about confronting their ‘white privilege, Christian privilege, heterosexual privilege, able-bodied privilege,’ etc.” Target has removed books from its stores at the request of liberal activists, and it has fought against numerous legislative proposals backed by conservative lawmakers, including election integrity legislation in Georgia. 4. Food and Beverage Companies Ten large food and beverage companies were given “High Risk” ratings in the 1792 Exchange report: Altria, Ben & Jerry’s, Cargill, Coca-Cola, HelloFresh, Kellogg’s, McDonald’s, PepsiCo, Starbucks and the JM Smucker Company. Although all of these businesses engaged in troubling activities, the company with the most radical practices is, by far, Ben

Official Janus Films Shirt

& Jerry’s. The famous Vermont-based ice cream company has promoted “Defund the Official Janus Films Shirt and by the same token and Police” campaigns, opposed legislation meant to limit election fraud, said that the criminal justice system “must be dismantled,” and openly advocated for pro-abortion policies, among many other actions. Home Depot is one of the 15 retail giants on the ‘High Risk’ list. The woke company confronted workers about ‘white privilege, Christian privilege, heterosexual privilege, able-bodied privilege.’ (David McGlynn for Fox News Digital) Fighting Back Unfortunately, the 51 companies mentioned throughout this article are just the tip of the iceberg. Numerous other important corporations are also actively undermining conservatives and/or discriminating against families or businesses who do not share their radical views. The 1792 Exchange outlined nearly 100 additional “High Risk” companies in its report, including some of the most powerful in the world, like Alphabet (the owners of Google), Disney, and Apple. How can conservatives push back against these businesses? CLICK

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