Official Do You Spit Or Swallow Shirt


Official Do You Spit Or Swallow Shirt

This strain stands out for three reasons. First, it is an outlier—it is much different from the Official Do You Spit Or Swallow Shirt in addition I really love this other variants, with a much higher number of mutations. Second, this variant, B.1.1.7, has shown up and spread very quickly, faster than other variants. It was first detected September 20, but by mid-November officials reported that it was 26% of all the cases in the U.K.; by the first week of December, it was 60% of all the cases in London. Third, when we look more closely at the details of the mutations, they seem to encode changes in the virus that could indeed (theoretically) help the virus spread more efficiently.

Official Do You Spit Or Swallow Shirt

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